Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
My new God son
Tonight I became a godmother and I'm so proud! I can't have kids so I'm gonna spoil this one rotten!!! I'm so happy for his parents Jeffery and Brittany Davis and his grandmother Cheryl Dillow! ! Heres a picture of this handsome little man and his father and mother! His dad is off at basic training and want get To see his son until December 18 when he comes home for Christmas!!! Please say a prayer for him and this precious baby boy! I love you Cheryl, Jeff, Brittany and baby Aaron!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Promises, Promises and more promises!
The other night I was chatting online to a friend that I've kind of had a crush on in a sexual way! This person knows that I like em and want em! So, I don't know what made me go out on a limb and promise this person that I wouldn't look at, talk to or have sex with anyone of this persons type! After I said it I was like what in the hell did you just do? Maybe that was the most stupidest thing I've ever done in my life! Then I got to thinking you know Christy you don't ever make promises that you never intend on keeping! You always keep your promise no matter what it is or to who its too! I'm not one to tell you something then change my mind in ten minutes! I told this person that id wait as long as it took em to decide either they wanted me sexually or they told me they could never be with sexually! Now, since that promise I ain't really had a chance to talk to this person to make sure that I didn't freak em out! So I've come to the conclusion that ill back away from them, like talking to them on phone, texting, or inbox messaging them on facebook! Maybe when they feel the time is right they will come to me! Until then I'm focusing on making me happy! Enough about that situation!
Next, order of business too discuss! I feel like crap! Point blank I feel like shit! Someone gave me a cold and I feel like shit! Ugh! I can't think of much more to say so I guess its bed time! Peace!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
National Coming Out Day
Today marks the day that people can come out with the rest of the world by their side! Its a day that everyone that's gay, bi or lesbian can come out with out fear of judgement! I want be taking part in this for one reason! I'm married and many of his family members are my friends on fb and myspace and twitter so if I did then they might look at me wrongly and think very bad thoughts about him! Now I know that I'm going to heaven I know who my lord is and I know what he expects of me! I've read the bible many times and never have I seen it say anything about sexuality! I feel he loves you no matter what! As long as you love, honor and teach others about him! I've been bisexual all my life never understood until I was a little older that it was ok to have feelings for a woman like I did! But I knew I was different and I knew that I had something inside of me that made me feel like that! It wasn't a phase as many said it was I was born this way! No one chooses the way their heart feels! I'm sorry but your heart tells you what to feel! I love my husband but never will I ever be a straight out hetrosexual! Ill always be bisexual! So for all of you that are coming out then love to you! I'm right there with you! Peace!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Just need to vent
With all this bullying stuff going on and all the talk about gays and lebians! I feel the need to vent a little! Its my blog I feel I can! Having grown up a child that hide my sexual idenity because of the way I was raised here in the south! I knew many moons ago that something was different about me! I had attractions to both sexes! I too like many kids growing up got talked about in school because I'm different! I'm not like most girls in high school! I didn't wear make up, I wore jeans and tshirts didn't care what I looked like! If my hair was a mess or not! That's just me! You either liked me or u didn't! Most didn't! In high school I knew that I had feelings for woman but never acted on those feelings because of the fear of rejection! Since I've gotten older I've since acted on my feelings and have come out to some close friends and family! Most of them have accepted me! Its just the thought of being shunned away! I too like most kids thought about suicide! I never really did anything to hurt myself but the thoughts did occur in my head! Now, I think bullying has gone to far this day in time! I feel like every body that's ever been bullied or talked about needs to stand up and show these people that your no different than them! If your reading this and have bullied someone think about this! What if you woke up every single morning knowing that someones gonna talk about you cause ur different! Think before you bully because you don't know what that person is thinking! When we wake up what's on our mind is what is gonna be said today or who's gonna push me around today! Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, tranys all put on our pants one leg or both legs at a time! We put on our shirts over our head just like you! We tie our shoes just like you! So think about it before you begin to say something about a gay, lez or bi person! We are no different than you! We drive the same cars, ride the same buses, walk the same streets, work right beside you! Unless we tell you or dress a little different you would never know it! Looking at me up until I cut my hair off would u think that I was bi? Nope, nuthing about me spoke bi! When I cut my hair short then yes I was officially telling all I'm bi and proud of it! My plan is to get a tattoo on my birthday! I want a yin yang with half bi flag colors and have black and white! Why you might ask the bi colors because I'm openly bi and why black and white cause I don't see color! I'm not against you because ur black I love all! Now, if your reading and would like to share by all means go ahead! This gay, lesbian, and bi bullying must stop! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!
Friday, October 8, 2010
May you RIP AUNT Jeanette!
One year ago today I lost someone special to me! Id like to take out a few mins and let you read a little note I wrote her after she passed!
Dear aunt jeanette,
How is things up there in heaven? How's mamaw doing? I know you was so proud to see Jimmy again, I know mamaw was proud to you! Please give them all a hug and kiss for me! I know over the years you and I lost touch nut you was always on my mind! I wanted to take a few minutes and tell you thank you for giving me the time you did give me, showing me how to live life like it was my last day to live! You showed me things that know other aunt could of shown me! Thanks! As I write this letter to you I can see your smiling face, hear your sweet voice! I see you looking down upon me! Your meant more to me than I was ever able to show you! I know that today I gained a new angel to watch over me and protect me! Thanks for that! Your a great person and heaven gained a great one! Thanks again! I love you and miss you!
Love, christy!
I wrote that letter soon after her death, I took it to her grave where I put it on her grave for all to see! Its still doesn't seem real, it doesn't seem like she's gone! I truly miss her and if I could turn back the hands of time id took more time out of my busy life to have spent more time with her! I know one day ill get to see her again but life without her just isn't the same! As I close this blog I feel like I've lost another piece of my heart that'll never be regained until that day I make it to heaven to see her again! I love you aunt jeanette! I know your smiling on me right now!
Cherish every moment u have with someone! Tell them u love them before its too late!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Over time we get to know people but we don't know how much they mean to you or what u mean to them until they leave and you know your not gonna see them for the next couple of months! Over the past year I got to know a young gentleman that I've watch grow into a mature man! His mother is one of my best friends! She raised him and 2 other kids all by herself! She's an amazing mother and a great friend! I know he will make a fine us army solider and come a new man! He's got a plan and is sticking to it! He said he wanted to join he did all the steps to make it happen and left today for basic training! His life is about to change for ever but for the best! Its gonna be a long few months for his family and him! I have the upmost faith in him that he'll be all he can be! Thanks to good times spent with him I have those memories to hold on too and so does his family!
Next on my mind is what is a "true" friend vs just a "friend"? I guess I'm wondering this because over the course of the past few months I've figured out who my true friends are! To me a true friend is one that's there for u 100% of the time! They never ever tell u they can't when they really can! They always want what's best for you and never wants to see you hurt! They love u for u and never judges you for your down falls! When the going gets tough they are standing there with you! They never leave your side in time of need! A friend is one that just comes around when they want to they get going when the tough shows up! They act like they can't be around you when u need them most! They want u to be there for them but them not there for u! Its hard to know who's true or not until times get rough! I'm blessed to have several true friends that have stood beside me thru a lot and seen me thru some of my darkest times! They know who they are I don't ever have to call them out! They know when I need them before I even say a word! Thanks to all my true friends!
Thirdly, I'm so nervous about going on thrusday to talk to a knee surgeon about knee replacement surgery! I feel like I'm ready for the talk just not ready to admit to myself that I'm ready! If only I felt better! Life wouldn't seem so hard! But right now this isn't the life I dreamed about as a kid growing up! But is life really the way we dreamed it?! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! Peace, Love and Happiness!