Today having a conversation with a good friend of mine about a situation she's in. I tried explaining to her what she has is a case of Low Self Esteem. As I was explaining it to her I decided to post a status on facebook about it and the feelings. Here is my status: I think it speaks volumes. Tell me what you think?
Your fat, ugly, worthless, meaningless, sound familiar well all those lead to a low self esteem! Why cause the are the seeds that are planted and let grow from within our mind to the point we believe them! What can you do? You can turn every negative comment into a positive one! How you ask? First by looking in the mirror and doing a self evaluation, hm your thinking now! Yes say yes I might be overweight but that's not who I am, I might not be miss America but someone will see the beauty that lies within! And every person is worth something and every person has meaning! Secondly, don't allow others to bring you down! Cause that's what they won't! When you finally see that what others say about you aren't who you are as a person you will see that you are worth something! Low self esteem is the leading cause of suicides in my opinion! Why cause we allow others to fill our heads with things that we think are true when really they are not! Yea, you don't look sick, not all illnesses have an outer appearance! But don't let the illness define you! Don't let it be something that makes you who your not! Once you put your illness on the back burner and you allow it to take a back seat for a bit and you show others that its apart of me but its not who I am! All my life I never fit in with the pretty girls, I didn't have the football player boyfriends, I wasn't a cheerleader and yes it hurt not being accepted! But one day I decided you know what I don't need fame and fortune to be somebody and let me tell you when I finally started seeing myself as if one day someones gonna love me for me and not what I have to offer then I was able to be who I am today! Strong willed, fighting, loving human being with a purpose not to please everyone but to please myself! When you put self before others you will see a difference in your self esteem! Try it! Don't let others make you who your not! Stand up for self against the ones that are out to bring you down! Now enjoy out day and remember "Your better, stronger than your weakest moment!" Peace, Love and Happiness!
All that I've been through myself, I've been beat down, left for the dead not literally but figuratively Speaking. The day I decided that It wasn't gonna define me anymore was the day that I really stepped up and believed in myself and begin to love myself. I've never loved myself and then I decided that loving myself was what life was about and it was what made you who you are. These words flowing on this page has lead me to a little mishap that happened tonight. As Corey and I was discussing the friend that this status is about I said something that my friend's husband couldn't have sex anymore and he said sometimes I wonder if you wish i would either find someone else or would dry up.. I responded with yea sometimes I do a little. Well, like many things and fights we have had he took what I said turned it around to make it out like I had said "go find someone and let it dry up" That wasn't what I said at all. I responded to his statement... he doesn't care that I'm always had a low self esteem and always have felt as if everyone was out to belittle me. And he just kills my self esteem and then gets on his motorcycle and rides off, like he always done. He likes to upset me and then leave, as to saying well, shes up ill just leave and what he doesn't know is that that's the last thing a person like me needs is for alone time when upset. Tonight I could of ended it all and then it would of been too late to do anything different or do anything to stop me. He has no compassion and that's something you can't teach its common sense and its really something that he should of learned a long time ago when he was a kid. I wonder so many times if his family didn't teach him nothing as in to treat a lady. No wonder his brother ended up divorced and the other one is gay. I guess they learned the lesson and got out. Maybe that they decided that compassion was something they didn't get thought. I just wish he had a little. I just don't understand. Well, blog my fingers hurt cause i'm typing this on computer for a change and its killing me.. Good night. Peace...
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