Saturday, January 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Mamaw Faye
Tonight, some of the Palmertree family got together and had a little supper for my grandmother's birthday at Malone's Fish and Steak house. I had a good time but the temptation of fish was getting next to me. But i did great and only ate my steak and part of my tater. I felt like a new woman sitting there. I thought that I fought my cravings really well. It was kind of hard but I did it. I really enjoyed the time with family cause we don't ever get to see each other more than once a year. Mostly around christmas when I'm working and can't get off to attend. Sometimes I do it on purpose only because I don't have a strong relationship with that side of the family like I do my mother's side of the family. The Palmertree side are kind of reserved family, that we all do our own thing. Not really sure anytime growing up that we had a big gathering. It was great to spend that time with her. She turned 83 and I feel like I don't even really know her that well. Like my other grandmother I feel like it was a piece of my heart was taken away. I'm not sure how I would feel if mamaw faye passed away. I'm pretty sure I would be a little devasted but can't tell you that I would feel like I miss her that much. Only because we don't have a great relationship.. You know sometimes we have to cherish those moments where we do have a few seconds with them. That is what I kind of did tonight. I cherished the moment that we spend or the time that we had. It was great. I was very proud I could be a part of it. Wishing that my brother and sister in law would of came but it was kool we all have our own lives now and we all do our seperate things. Over the years she has favored more towards a certain set of grandkids. It wasn't Scott and I. But, that is ok cause they lived closer to her than we did although we where just about 20 mins away. Its kool cause life goes on.. Every grandmother has their pick. Maybe its the first born grandchild or what have you. Not sure what the reason is. But i see it all the time in retail with some of my customers who now have a new grandbaby. Once the new has wore off you can tell they favor the first born one a lot more than the new one. But that is life i guess. Cause really in truly although I love my babies to death. I still favor more toward Boomer than Bella. I wouldn't give anything in the world for them. I even cried like a baby when Boomer had to have his eye removed. It really hurt me. Well, That is part of life.. Thanks for reading my blog about nuthing. Just a little rambling.. I love to ramble.. LOL..
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Things we take for Granted! REVISED!!!!
Sometimes in life we take the little things for granted in hopes that they will never leave us, not realizing that they could be taken away in matter of minutes. Like people walking by with a smile while looking at you or even speaking to you with a simple hello or hi. I work in retail as you all might know by now, I have several older customers that just walk by to say hi. Its things like that that we sometimes take for granted. I also think that times we take people for granted in hopes they will never break our hearts or move on with life. My best friend in high school and I decided when we where in college that we need to go our seperate ways and try the world out own our own for various reasons. She is now married to my brother and is my sister in law. Life can be trying at time but then God has a way of putting things back together in one way or another. We just have to take one day at a time. Corey and I was fishing one day, saw a little boat just sitting in the middle of a river. I took that little boat and put myself as its brain. Just to see what It would be thinking if it had a brain and was human like. Just when you think that you have something figured out God lets you know really quick like that he can change your mind in a split second. I guess that I feel this way because of the way I was raised. It isn't a bad thing or anything like that just that I didn't have my mother and father together and didn't have a stable home so to speak. I had to live from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes kids take their parents for granted I think. Letting them give them every thing they ever want and never seeing the real meaning behind having a job or fending for theirself. Parents can also take their kids for granted some times too. The expect them to do everything for them. Such as give them money cause they don't want to work or cause they feel like they need the money for various reasons.Life itself can be taken for granted too, like when people get on a motorcycle and try to do stunts in hopes the bike doesn't tilt or fall over. Life isn't something that you should take for granted. Life is a very precious work of art. No one knows the meaning behind God taking someones life away from us. He has his reasons, we just don't know them. Then we really don't understand why God lets certain people's lives be spaired and the person beside them die. Life should never be taken for granted, its a work of art and hand created by our Lord and Savior. As I sit here typing this out I feel like that life has thrown us a curve ball one more time. We have to deal with the world the way it is and the way the economy is. Are we going to have to live life one day at a time to see how things go. I believe the world is coming to an end, for various reasons. THanks for reading!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Scary feeling
So, where do i begin.. Today was a little more productive than yesterday. I didn't do anything yesterday. Today, I got up and cleaned up the kitchen with husband, cooked breakfast ate it and got ready to go to his mother house to eat lunch. We waited on his little brother to get here so we could get the day bed loaded up and taken to her house cause he is moving his stuff in here with us. We got the bed loaded and over to his mom's and she had us a some lunch cooked mostly left overs but it was great as usual... It was great... We got the day bed unloaded an in his room there and got all his beding stuff loaded up to bring here. He had to go to his friends house to get a bed frame and a dresser thingy.. We get it all loaded up and head back to tupelo. its about 530 or so.. We get home the boys get it all unloaded and put in his room. We head out to lowes, we walk around a few mins look at faucets for the kitchen cause ours is about to bite the dust. Its leaking everywhere but still usable. So we find a faucet for the bathroom cause its out of date and needs a new facelift just like the whole bathroom does... Which Brody his brother has painted and its looking better. We buy it and some door handles for the cabinet doors in the bathroom get it all checked out and heading out the door. Corey's phone rings and its a number he doesn't know but he answers it. Its his father's roommate on the road where he works. He is currently in Louisana working. He the roommate has taken Corey's dad to the hospital cause they thought he was having a heart attack. We get the number to the hospital and call his mother but can't get her.. So i tell corey to call his other brother to see if he knew where she was at. she was with him. They where leaving the movie theather here in tupelo. So corey tells him to come by here well the stupid boy thought he said to go to his mother house. When i finally make my husband call his brother to see if they know anything yet and they do. he has a really, realy bad case of pneumonia.. Which is a great relief cause i didn't want corey to go thru what I went thru with my father and the heart surgerys.. We was all scared for a minute. But he is going to be ok i think.. He is in the hospital and doing ok now.. We just talked to him. At this time we aren't going down there but might be in a few days just pray for him and hope he has a fast recovery.. and pray for betty corey's mother cause she is here in mississippi and he is in louisana about 5 hours away.. its going to be a long next couple of days. Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers. thanks..
love to all and god bless
love to all and god bless
Friday, January 23, 2009
Remembering my Grandmother

Today was a day that for some reason I thought about my grandmother more and more. I have been a little down in the dumps these last few days. Not sure why but, I blame it on the diet that I'm on and stuff but not really sure if that is what is or not. But, I layed down for a few mins less than 5 mins this afternoon when I got home. Corey got me cause some girl was selling something for the band at the high school and I got up to see what it was. After that I opened up the fridge and saw the boston butt that i had bought the other day to make sausage. We make our own sausage cause it cost less and its a little better for you. We was making it, got it ready to be rolled out so we could cut it into little round circles. We were sitting there cutting them out and something just struck me. I kind of blinked out a little and I could see a vision of my grandmother cutting out biscuits. It just made me smile. I just sit there just watching as i cut them sausages out and thought about her telling me how to do it. i loved to help her make biscuits cause I knew they where going to be great. When we was done i just sat there for a few seconds thinking about her and missing her so much. She was the sweetest lady i know. I miss her more and more every day. I wish she would of been here to see where i am in life right now. But the good Lord above thought it was her time to go back in 2001. She is missed dearly around the holiday season. I miss her for what she always made me. Lemon Mergrine Pies, mmmmm good but sooooo much fat.. I could eat the whole darn pie and not think twice about it. But, that was before I set my mind to eating right. Well, I thought i would just share this little experience with you. She was great. Miss you Mamaw and Rest in peace I'm enclosing a picture of her for everyone to see. Love you dearly...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My mother's day gift to my mom.
Definition of a Mother from people who write the Dictionary....
A mother is a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. In the case of a mammal such as a human, the biological mother gestates a fertilized ovum, which is called first an embryo, and then a fetus. This gestation occurs in the mother's uterus from conception until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth. Once the child is born, the mother produces milk in a process called lactation to feed the child; often the mother's breast milk is the child's sole nourishment for the first year or more of the child's life.
The title mother is often given to a woman other than the biological parent, if it is she who fulfills the social role. This is most commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother (the biologically unrelated wife of a child's father). Currently, with advances in reproductive technologies, the function of biological motherhood can be split between the genetic mother (who provides the ovum) and the gestational mother (who carries the pregnancy), and in theory neither might be the social mother (the one who brings up the child).
Now this is Christy's Definition:A very intelligent woman that took the time to raise me and mold me into the person I am. She took me by the hand when I was young so I wouldn't run out in front of a car and get ran over. She held on to the back of my first bike when it was time to take the training wheels off. She made sure that I had everything I ever needed. Whether she had the money or the time. I never wanted for nuthing. She is the one that took care of my boo boo's i might of had. She kissed them and made them feel better even in real life it really didn't make it feel better but to a kid it did. She is the one that I always wanted to make happy. She is the one I look up to when I'm down. She is the one I call when I need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Life isn't a bed of roses, that is what Mom's are for. Sometimes, Me and mom have had our ups and downs but who hasn't had their ups and downs with their moms. Today is her day to make her proud. Today is a the day that you make her feel like a queen. A mother is a great person and with out her we wouldn't be here where we are now. For many years, my mother played the role of father and mother. She was both and still is most of the time. So, I ask everyone if you don't do but one thing today. PLEASE CALL YOUR MOTHER AND WISH HER A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. If your mother happens to be in Heaven then call the next woman that you know is a mother. No matter what you know someone that is a mother. Tell her it too. Don't let this day pass and you don't wish some woman a happy mother's day. I have friends on here that are mother's that I have never met but I took the time to send them a comment and telling them that I'm proud of them. Thank them for the service they provide to you and this country. Thanks to all my MOTHERS OUT THERE. Thanks for all you do.
A mother is a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. In the case of a mammal such as a human, the biological mother gestates a fertilized ovum, which is called first an embryo, and then a fetus. This gestation occurs in the mother's uterus from conception until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth. Once the child is born, the mother produces milk in a process called lactation to feed the child; often the mother's breast milk is the child's sole nourishment for the first year or more of the child's life.
The title mother is often given to a woman other than the biological parent, if it is she who fulfills the social role. This is most commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother (the biologically unrelated wife of a child's father). Currently, with advances in reproductive technologies, the function of biological motherhood can be split between the genetic mother (who provides the ovum) and the gestational mother (who carries the pregnancy), and in theory neither might be the social mother (the one who brings up the child).
Now this is Christy's Definition:A very intelligent woman that took the time to raise me and mold me into the person I am. She took me by the hand when I was young so I wouldn't run out in front of a car and get ran over. She held on to the back of my first bike when it was time to take the training wheels off. She made sure that I had everything I ever needed. Whether she had the money or the time. I never wanted for nuthing. She is the one that took care of my boo boo's i might of had. She kissed them and made them feel better even in real life it really didn't make it feel better but to a kid it did. She is the one that I always wanted to make happy. She is the one I look up to when I'm down. She is the one I call when I need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Life isn't a bed of roses, that is what Mom's are for. Sometimes, Me and mom have had our ups and downs but who hasn't had their ups and downs with their moms. Today is her day to make her proud. Today is a the day that you make her feel like a queen. A mother is a great person and with out her we wouldn't be here where we are now. For many years, my mother played the role of father and mother. She was both and still is most of the time. So, I ask everyone if you don't do but one thing today. PLEASE CALL YOUR MOTHER AND WISH HER A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. If your mother happens to be in Heaven then call the next woman that you know is a mother. No matter what you know someone that is a mother. Tell her it too. Don't let this day pass and you don't wish some woman a happy mother's day. I have friends on here that are mother's that I have never met but I took the time to send them a comment and telling them that I'm proud of them. Thank them for the service they provide to you and this country. Thanks to all my MOTHERS OUT THERE. Thanks for all you do.
Father's Day Letter.
This is the letter I wrote to my dad. It made me cry the whole time I was writing this. I hope the ones reading this will realize how much my dad who wasn't there for me much really means to me. He wasn't there but I never lost the sight of him loving me. Enjoy
Happy Father's Day Dad. I know that over these years I haven't been one to show you how much I love you and neither have you really. But thru it all I knew you did. You knew I did. I hate that I didn't wait until today to give your stuff to you but. I've been having some long days at work and yesterday I was feeling pretty good. So that is why I came over last night. I'm very very proud of you and what you did all those years ago. It makes me so proud to see you wearing that hat.. I know you have been looking for one and I couldn't pass it up. The shirt just fell right in to my hands too. Well, you will never know how proud I am because there isn't enough words in the dictionary or this world to express my proudiness of you. Dad your more than a father your a man of honor and diginity. Your rank high in my book of heroism. I have always thru my life growing up talked about how much of a hero you was too me. Dad today is a day to honor you. I have never really thought about writing you a letter but I just couldn't express it face to face with you because I'm crying now. I feel better sitting behind this computer writing this and letting you read it later. Dad is written in the dictionary as this: "A man who help give birth to a child whether it be a daughter or son. A man that was the ruler of the house." Now, I'm not sure that is actually the way it was written but that is the way I read it. Now Dad Christy version of that.Dad: A man that is there to shelter you from the storm, to hold you when your hurt, to love you when your down, to listen to your problems and tell you he doesn't know what to do. A man that has been a great teacher in this world we live in. A man that proudly served our country long before I was thought of. A man that in my eyes really never did any wrong although in many other's eyes he did. A man that would get up and push his self to go the extra mile. A man that I looked up too and always wanted to join the army because of him. A man that i have had my ups and downs with but never lost sight of how much he loved me. A man that never gave up on nuthing until it was finished. A man that I call my dad with pride. I wouldn't let anyone tell me any different than what I have just sat here and wrote. I know your thinking damn christy what is all this for. Well, dad they always said you was to honor you father on fathers day so today i'm honoring you with all my feelings about you that you might not ever known. Dad, I have a few more mins to say a few more things. I'm so much like you sometimes It makes me laugh when I think about it. I'm stubborn as an old mule, honorary as an old wet hen, and bashful as I don't know what. There are times I see you in me in so many ways. Don't get me wrong I am your daughter and I guess that i have the right to have a little of you in my huh. well, Dad its that time for me to get my butt up and get in the truck and go to work. I hope that this will make you proud and remember I'm proud of you. I have also ordered something for me that I wasn't going to tell you about until it came in but here you go. I have a shirt ordered that says "I'm a proud daughter of a VIETNAM Veteran". I will wear that shirt with pride and nuthing but pride. I want someone to say something to me. I will whip there ass and make them eat the words they might think about saying. Well, dad the time is here. I LOVE YOU! More than words can ever express. As, I close, Thanks for molding me and making me to this person I am today. With out your help I wouldn't be a fighter in a good way. I wouldn't be pushing my self to get up everymorning even though I hurt so bad that i want to lay there and die. I wouldn't be where I am today without your help dad. THANKS and may this day be as great as you are. I hope you have a great day.. Make the best of it. An proudly wear that hat and shirt with the upmost pride you can possible have. You deserve every minute of pride you have. You also deserve every ounce of that a boy's anyone could ever give you. So heres to you. That a boy.. Way to go Dad you did a great job. I love you.. Talk to you soon, Your Proud Daughter....
Happy Father's Day Dad. I know that over these years I haven't been one to show you how much I love you and neither have you really. But thru it all I knew you did. You knew I did. I hate that I didn't wait until today to give your stuff to you but. I've been having some long days at work and yesterday I was feeling pretty good. So that is why I came over last night. I'm very very proud of you and what you did all those years ago. It makes me so proud to see you wearing that hat.. I know you have been looking for one and I couldn't pass it up. The shirt just fell right in to my hands too. Well, you will never know how proud I am because there isn't enough words in the dictionary or this world to express my proudiness of you. Dad your more than a father your a man of honor and diginity. Your rank high in my book of heroism. I have always thru my life growing up talked about how much of a hero you was too me. Dad today is a day to honor you. I have never really thought about writing you a letter but I just couldn't express it face to face with you because I'm crying now. I feel better sitting behind this computer writing this and letting you read it later. Dad is written in the dictionary as this: "A man who help give birth to a child whether it be a daughter or son. A man that was the ruler of the house." Now, I'm not sure that is actually the way it was written but that is the way I read it. Now Dad Christy version of that.Dad: A man that is there to shelter you from the storm, to hold you when your hurt, to love you when your down, to listen to your problems and tell you he doesn't know what to do. A man that has been a great teacher in this world we live in. A man that proudly served our country long before I was thought of. A man that in my eyes really never did any wrong although in many other's eyes he did. A man that would get up and push his self to go the extra mile. A man that I looked up too and always wanted to join the army because of him. A man that i have had my ups and downs with but never lost sight of how much he loved me. A man that never gave up on nuthing until it was finished. A man that I call my dad with pride. I wouldn't let anyone tell me any different than what I have just sat here and wrote. I know your thinking damn christy what is all this for. Well, dad they always said you was to honor you father on fathers day so today i'm honoring you with all my feelings about you that you might not ever known. Dad, I have a few more mins to say a few more things. I'm so much like you sometimes It makes me laugh when I think about it. I'm stubborn as an old mule, honorary as an old wet hen, and bashful as I don't know what. There are times I see you in me in so many ways. Don't get me wrong I am your daughter and I guess that i have the right to have a little of you in my huh. well, Dad its that time for me to get my butt up and get in the truck and go to work. I hope that this will make you proud and remember I'm proud of you. I have also ordered something for me that I wasn't going to tell you about until it came in but here you go. I have a shirt ordered that says "I'm a proud daughter of a VIETNAM Veteran". I will wear that shirt with pride and nuthing but pride. I want someone to say something to me. I will whip there ass and make them eat the words they might think about saying. Well, dad the time is here. I LOVE YOU! More than words can ever express. As, I close, Thanks for molding me and making me to this person I am today. With out your help I wouldn't be a fighter in a good way. I wouldn't be pushing my self to get up everymorning even though I hurt so bad that i want to lay there and die. I wouldn't be where I am today without your help dad. THANKS and may this day be as great as you are. I hope you have a great day.. Make the best of it. An proudly wear that hat and shirt with the upmost pride you can possible have. You deserve every minute of pride you have. You also deserve every ounce of that a boy's anyone could ever give you. So heres to you. That a boy.. Way to go Dad you did a great job. I love you.. Talk to you soon, Your Proud Daughter....
Life is just a dream
Life is just a dream..
We live this thing they call Life.. Why is it called life? I believe its because we are breathing humans that age every year. NO one ever said life was easy. They didn't say that Life was gonna be great and grand. They didn't say that it was going to be the way we want it. My life isn't the way that I had dreamed it to be when i was a kid. We all said when we was a kid we wanted to be something. Well, I can tell you my life is far from what I dreamed of as a kid. I would be as unhealthy as I am. I would be over weight, have authuritis. I always wanted to join the army like my dad and go fight for our freedom. I didn't do that. Then, when i got out of highschool i was going to nursing. But when I got there. I changed my mind. I decided on computer related field. Look at me now. I'm working at retail store in the photo department. Making far less than I would of been if my life long dream would of came true. Since my childhood days. I have came along with other dreams for this life i'm living. I will tell you all of them on my top ten things to do but not number one. If i told you that I would have to kill you. 10. Go see the Braves play at turner field. (already done this one). 9. Go watch every baseball team play at there home field. 8. See Eli in person. 7. See Eli playing at Giants Stadium. 6. Visit every state in the united states. (already been to 8 of 50.) 5. Visit Austrila 4. Go to atleast 2 forigen countries (not including austrila can't spell). 3. Meet the President of the United States in person.. 2. Visit the Vietnam Wall with my father. 1. can't tell you. Looks like my life is going to be very busy. When 2 -9 are done i will tell you what number one is. Well, I don't know what your thinking by reading this. But, I don't want anything from anyone reading this unless they want to help me do some of these. Now, Don't think i'm looking for pity from anyone. Because I'm not. Just writing some thoughts down on paper. Is that a bad thing. I would hope not. I think that is what bloggin is for. Well, good bye all.
We live this thing they call Life.. Why is it called life? I believe its because we are breathing humans that age every year. NO one ever said life was easy. They didn't say that Life was gonna be great and grand. They didn't say that it was going to be the way we want it. My life isn't the way that I had dreamed it to be when i was a kid. We all said when we was a kid we wanted to be something. Well, I can tell you my life is far from what I dreamed of as a kid. I would be as unhealthy as I am. I would be over weight, have authuritis. I always wanted to join the army like my dad and go fight for our freedom. I didn't do that. Then, when i got out of highschool i was going to nursing. But when I got there. I changed my mind. I decided on computer related field. Look at me now. I'm working at retail store in the photo department. Making far less than I would of been if my life long dream would of came true. Since my childhood days. I have came along with other dreams for this life i'm living. I will tell you all of them on my top ten things to do but not number one. If i told you that I would have to kill you. 10. Go see the Braves play at turner field. (already done this one). 9. Go watch every baseball team play at there home field. 8. See Eli in person. 7. See Eli playing at Giants Stadium. 6. Visit every state in the united states. (already been to 8 of 50.) 5. Visit Austrila 4. Go to atleast 2 forigen countries (not including austrila can't spell). 3. Meet the President of the United States in person.. 2. Visit the Vietnam Wall with my father. 1. can't tell you. Looks like my life is going to be very busy. When 2 -9 are done i will tell you what number one is. Well, I don't know what your thinking by reading this. But, I don't want anything from anyone reading this unless they want to help me do some of these. Now, Don't think i'm looking for pity from anyone. Because I'm not. Just writing some thoughts down on paper. Is that a bad thing. I would hope not. I think that is what bloggin is for. Well, good bye all.

Well, where do I begin. As you all know I started the biggest losers challenge at work. This past Monday on Jan. 19, 2008 was our first weigh in. We are weighing in every 2 weeks. The first time I weighted a the start of the contest was unbelievable. I kind of had an Idea how much I weighted but didn't really know for a fact. I'm very ashamed of the fact but, to get over it I will tell you what it was. I weighted 320 on Jan. 5, 2008. On Jan. 19, 2008 I weighted 308 that is a loss of 12lbs. I feel great with those 12lbs gone. I'm very proud of myself I actually set my mind to something and I’m going to do it come hell or high water. I'm sticking to this. I told Missy and Corey both that at the beginning of the year I was going to try to lose some of this weight. Maybe it will make Arthur feel better. Maybe I will be able to work more than a mile and not have to stop every few mins to catch my breath. Maybe then I will be able to wear smaller clothes. My ideal weight is 176. If I get down that low then I will be a skinny minney. But hey im taking one goal at a time. It will be to lose 8lbs now then, I will work on maybe 260 or so. Then I will just keep going. The challenge ends in May. I will need the money you win from this to buy me a new wardrobe. Well, thanks for all the people that have been behind me supporting me. I'm a type of person that needs that little bit of encouragement. Well, enough about that.
Other things that I want to start doing in 2009 that I might not of done in 2008. I'm out with the old and in with the new. Its a new year and I’m going to be a new me. I would like to dedicate my life to the lord. I have been walking down the wrong path this past year. I feel like the world end is coming soon. I want to be part of the group that goes marching in first. I don’t' want to be here on this dead earth when all my family and friends have gone. I want to do a lot more camping and fishing this year. I want to be outdoors more. I want to be out there where I feel free and it makes me happy. I Love the outdoors. Its very peaceful. Well, sometimes I wish I could quit my job and start bass fishing for a living. I have asked Corey to be on the look out for me a boat that I could take to the lake when he is at work or I just need to get out on the water. I can’t unload and load the big boat. I need one that Christy can handle. Next I’m going to try to be a better friend to everyone that I have been friends with. I’m not going to go out of my way to get someone to talk to me. If you want to talk to me then you know my number or know how to get a hold of me. I’ve been trying to be a person that shows everyone that I’m here if they need me but when I need them I can’t find them. That isn’t what friends or for I don’t think. I just need to take care of Christy and not worry about everyone else. Let them figure it all out on there own. No missy I’m not talking about you. I will be receiving a text message or call as soon as you read this to want to know who I’m talking about. I would like to get out of the house and do things that I haven’t done in a long time. Like go to a bar and have a drink with some friends or just by myself. With out anyone trying to tell me how bad it is and how much they wish I didn’t do it. I’m not going out every freaking night. I just want to do it every once in a while. I’m sorry that drinking doesn’t interest you but you have got to understand that sometime I just need something to take my mind off things that has happened in my day or life.
Also, I would like to try to call my mother and family more. I know they know I love them but, I don’t talk to my mom as much as I should. Nor do I talk to my father who lives less than a mile or so from me. Its been I couldn’t tell you how long since we talked. But that is part of life. I guess.
I’m going to also, not buy things thru out the year so when Christmas time comes around there isn’t anything under the tree for Corey and I. We haven’t had anything under the tree in 2yrs cause we manage to buy them thru out the year and don’t even celebrate Christmas. I want to put my tree up this year and try to get back in the spirit a little. But working in retail is the hardest thing to do. Corey and I need to start spending holidays just he and I. Family is nice but for the past 7 yrs of our marriage we haven’t ever spent a Christmas at home, or thanksgiving at home. Christmas is just another day to us. But really it isn’t. I want it to be a time for he and I and our babies. Well, now that I have put all my thoughts out on here the least you could do is comment or at least blog yourself and tell me what your plans for 2009 are. Well, I hope that I didn’t bore you to death, if I did then I guess you aren’t reading this part huh. Cause you probably stopped some where way up yonder. Good night and all…..
I have posted a picture of the old me. I will continue to post pictures from time to time to show you the new me.
Lonely or Not
Another post from my myspace page that I thought would interest some people..
I was reading a friends blog and a thought crossed my mind. I needed to get it out. Where do I begin? Well, I will just say it. Here goes nothing. While my husband and I was fishing this past weekend, we went up in to a cove where there was a water fall that allowed a little no name lake to run in to the Tenn-Tom Waterway. In the middle of this waterfall was an old boat. I was thinking while I was looking at it. Sometimes in my life I feel like that boat. Lonely or just not wanted. I feel like that I’m just standing in this world alone. Does anyone else feel that way? We have at some point in our life felt like that no one wanted to be our friend or talk to us or for various reason not like us. We might not ever know the reason why they don’t talk to us or don’t want to be our friend or just don’t like us. That boat was just sitting there not even moving. I’m pretty sure who ever put it there probably had something it to keep it from moving. When life feels like that we aren’t wanted anymore. What do we do? I just kick it in the butt and tell it to leave me alone. LOL... Today, A friend and I that I work with was talking about her not getting married before her father passed away, she asked me did I feel like that I would be upset if something happen to mine. That is kind of what I thought of when i saw that boat. Does he feel like he is just standing there alone? Does he ever think that he isn’t alone out there in this hetic world we live in? Don’t know what goes thru his head but I guess its something. Another thought that crossed my mind the more I looked at that boat was. I feel like, sometimes, I wish I could sit out in the middle of the lake and not drown. Maybe I need to be that boat and let everyone look at me. What would they think? What has other people thought about that boat? What would people think about me? What if it was me sitting there would they ask me if i need anything? Would they even try to get me in the boat with them or would they just continue on with there marry way. Not even thinking about what i’m doing... The name of my friends blog that I was reading was the Beautiful sunset in Memphis, Tn. I love to watch the sunset because it is so pretty. Some days I wish I lived near the ocean or even a lake. I have always wondered what the sunset on the ocean or lake would look like..
Does it ever cross your mind what life would be like if we was a flower, bird, or even that lonely boat in the water? Please feel free to message me When I die I want to return as a bird so I can see what life is like for them or even a dog so i can see what my babies think when I put them outside in the middle of a rainstorm or when its cold. Well, thanks all for taking the time to read my blog. I don’t know what blogs are really for but I feel like they are for what ever i choose to put in them. Thanks again..
Love to all, and to all a good night.
I was reading a friends blog and a thought crossed my mind. I needed to get it out. Where do I begin? Well, I will just say it. Here goes nothing. While my husband and I was fishing this past weekend, we went up in to a cove where there was a water fall that allowed a little no name lake to run in to the Tenn-Tom Waterway. In the middle of this waterfall was an old boat. I was thinking while I was looking at it. Sometimes in my life I feel like that boat. Lonely or just not wanted. I feel like that I’m just standing in this world alone. Does anyone else feel that way? We have at some point in our life felt like that no one wanted to be our friend or talk to us or for various reason not like us. We might not ever know the reason why they don’t talk to us or don’t want to be our friend or just don’t like us. That boat was just sitting there not even moving. I’m pretty sure who ever put it there probably had something it to keep it from moving. When life feels like that we aren’t wanted anymore. What do we do? I just kick it in the butt and tell it to leave me alone. LOL... Today, A friend and I that I work with was talking about her not getting married before her father passed away, she asked me did I feel like that I would be upset if something happen to mine. That is kind of what I thought of when i saw that boat. Does he feel like he is just standing there alone? Does he ever think that he isn’t alone out there in this hetic world we live in? Don’t know what goes thru his head but I guess its something. Another thought that crossed my mind the more I looked at that boat was. I feel like, sometimes, I wish I could sit out in the middle of the lake and not drown. Maybe I need to be that boat and let everyone look at me. What would they think? What has other people thought about that boat? What would people think about me? What if it was me sitting there would they ask me if i need anything? Would they even try to get me in the boat with them or would they just continue on with there marry way. Not even thinking about what i’m doing... The name of my friends blog that I was reading was the Beautiful sunset in Memphis, Tn. I love to watch the sunset because it is so pretty. Some days I wish I lived near the ocean or even a lake. I have always wondered what the sunset on the ocean or lake would look like..
Does it ever cross your mind what life would be like if we was a flower, bird, or even that lonely boat in the water? Please feel free to message me When I die I want to return as a bird so I can see what life is like for them or even a dog so i can see what my babies think when I put them outside in the middle of a rainstorm or when its cold. Well, thanks all for taking the time to read my blog. I don’t know what blogs are really for but I feel like they are for what ever i choose to put in them. Thanks again..
Love to all, and to all a good night.
Life with RA(Rhumotoid Athuritis)
Sometimes in life we just have to set down and put our life in to prespective. Well, tonight was a night that I felt like I needed to put my life in to words. I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). If you don't know much about it let me give you a little background on it. From what I have found out it effects parts of your body such as your knees and hands. I have it all over my body. Its in my knees, elbows, and hands. It keeps me from bending my arms out straight, and my knees stay swollen all the time. I have a few fingers that I can't even straight out because of the RA. It takes a toll on your joints. Well, I have been thinking sometimes that I just want to lay down and die because it hurts me so bad to move. Tonight I came home from work and went straight to bed. I was hurting so bad that i laid in bed and cried because i can't keep on going on like this. I try not to show it to much when i hurt really bad. But sometimes i just can't hide it. Soon the doctor wants to do the RA infusion on me to see if it will help with this problem. I was taking shots every other week and they didn't do nuthing for me. So if your reading this i'm not looking for a poor christy trip. I'm just spilling my guts out because it makes me feel better to get it out in the world. I know that you will all understand that maybe. Well, I'm off to bed again. I'm pretty sure that I will be there all day tomorrow since I have worked 3 days in a row and was off since last friday on vacation. So if you are reading this and know my cell number you can send me a text and i'll text you back when i get it. It not i will try to get on here sometime tomorrow to check out my messages and such. talk to you all later.
Good night all.
Good night all.
Welcome To Tupelo! Funny!
I hope you enjoy this blog. I had it posted on my myspace account but i have now expanded for other people to see what i write..
1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name. It is "Toop-uh-low"
2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Tupelo has its own version of traffic rules... the truck with the loudest exhaust goes first at a 4-way stop. The truck with the biggest tires goes after that. (Note: Blue haired ladies driving anything have right of way anytime.)
3. To Find anything in Tupelo, it is required that you know where "crosstown" is... assuming of course that you don't have a 40 minute wait on a 20 mile long train when you get there. To find "crosstown" just look for long lines of thousands of cars backed up at a stoplight.
4. The morning rush hour is from 6:00 to 10:00.(Time Kidd Kraddick in the morning is on). The evening rush hour is from 3:00 to 7:00. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning. To go anywhere late on Friday afternoon you will need to drive a bulldozer.
5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out and possibly shot.
6. Construction is a permanent fixture in Tupelo. The barrels are moved around in the middle of the night by the street department to make the next days driving a bit more exciting.
7. Watch very carefully for road hazards such as deer, skunks, pallets, dogs, barrels, cones, cows, horses, pot holes, sofas, cats, pieces of other cars, opossum, truck tires, raccoons, squirrels, recliners, rabbits, crackheads, and cows or vultures feeding on any of these items.
8. If someone actually has their turn signal on, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been "accidentally activated".
9. The minimum acceptable speed on "45" is 85 mph. Anything less is considered downright sissy. This is North Mississippi's version of NASCAR racing. Seatbelts and helmets are required.
10. Never Honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously. Don't Do it.
11. If you are in the left lane, and only going 70 in a 55 -65 zone you are considered a road hazard, and will be "flipped off" accordingly.
12. Ground clearance of at least 12 inches is recommended for city driving.
13. If the days have finally cooled down to 90 degrees, Halloween's not far off.
14. If it's 10 -20 degrees and sleeting/snowing, then watch out, Tupelo residents consider this "demolition derby" day and will be all over the roads (front ways, back ways, etc.). Please proceed with caution as you could be their next target. Watch out they are headed to Wal-Mart for bread and milk.
15. Never say anything negative about Elvis while inside the city limits. Never. You can prance naked down the middle of Gloster Street and get away with it... But dissing Elvis could land you in jail.
16. My Own statement: When It rains watch out. Tupelo residents will try to kill you and they can't drive.
2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Tupelo has its own version of traffic rules... the truck with the loudest exhaust goes first at a 4-way stop. The truck with the biggest tires goes after that. (Note: Blue haired ladies driving anything have right of way anytime.)
3. To Find anything in Tupelo, it is required that you know where "crosstown" is... assuming of course that you don't have a 40 minute wait on a 20 mile long train when you get there. To find "crosstown" just look for long lines of thousands of cars backed up at a stoplight.
4. The morning rush hour is from 6:00 to 10:00.(Time Kidd Kraddick in the morning is on). The evening rush hour is from 3:00 to 7:00. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning. To go anywhere late on Friday afternoon you will need to drive a bulldozer.
5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out and possibly shot.
6. Construction is a permanent fixture in Tupelo. The barrels are moved around in the middle of the night by the street department to make the next days driving a bit more exciting.
7. Watch very carefully for road hazards such as deer, skunks, pallets, dogs, barrels, cones, cows, horses, pot holes, sofas, cats, pieces of other cars, opossum, truck tires, raccoons, squirrels, recliners, rabbits, crackheads, and cows or vultures feeding on any of these items.
8. If someone actually has their turn signal on, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been "accidentally activated".
9. The minimum acceptable speed on "45" is 85 mph. Anything less is considered downright sissy. This is North Mississippi's version of NASCAR racing. Seatbelts and helmets are required.
10. Never Honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously. Don't Do it.
11. If you are in the left lane, and only going 70 in a 55 -65 zone you are considered a road hazard, and will be "flipped off" accordingly.
12. Ground clearance of at least 12 inches is recommended for city driving.
13. If the days have finally cooled down to 90 degrees, Halloween's not far off.
14. If it's 10 -20 degrees and sleeting/snowing, then watch out, Tupelo residents consider this "demolition derby" day and will be all over the roads (front ways, back ways, etc.). Please proceed with caution as you could be their next target. Watch out they are headed to Wal-Mart for bread and milk.
15. Never say anything negative about Elvis while inside the city limits. Never. You can prance naked down the middle of Gloster Street and get away with it... But dissing Elvis could land you in jail.
16. My Own statement: When It rains watch out. Tupelo residents will try to kill you and they can't drive.
My Grandmother RIP
But back in April, 2001 she was called home by our father. That was the hardest day of my life and probably will still be the hardest day. You know you see people that are lying there about to die and you just keep telling your self that she will be better off once she is home for good. I never once told my self that she wasn't a great person and she didn't deserve the best that was in stake for her to come once she got home.
Sometimes I just sit and think of the things that we did. I can remember many times that she would get me up at 6 am and go pick blackberries and be home by 11 so she could watch her soaps. On January 9, 2005 she would of been 81. The life she lived is one that I cherish day in and day out. She lead a life of a true southern woman. She didn't see the person by the color of the skin but the person that was under that skin. I have had times in my life that I wish she would of been here to see but you know I know she is watching over me and just saying that damn christy want never change..
Well, Pauline your right I want. She is one hundered percent right.
God I love her and miss her more now than ever. I got married back in December 2002. Just a little over a year after she passed on. It was a day that I always told her she would live to see. But God had other plans for her. They where good plans though she never has to suffer anymore nor does she have to live in this hell of a world we live in. Not that this world is all bad but just that there is more bad than good. You all will agree.
Well, Pauline Nelson Langham you will always be in the heart of many as the woman who made the best carmel cakes this side of the border. For all of you that know me really well, will know that she was the love of my life for many years.. Now that she is gone she will be remember and I will still love her til the day I die. I have found a great man that is here to fill the space that she left opened. He isn't going to fill the whole space but just the part I need him too. There isn't anyone that can ever fill a space of someone that has gone on to be with the lord. No matter how hard you try there isn't a time nor a person that is going to take up that space.
Sometimes I just sit and think of the things that we did. I can remember many times that she would get me up at 6 am and go pick blackberries and be home by 11 so she could watch her soaps. On January 9, 2005 she would of been 81. The life she lived is one that I cherish day in and day out. She lead a life of a true southern woman. She didn't see the person by the color of the skin but the person that was under that skin. I have had times in my life that I wish she would of been here to see but you know I know she is watching over me and just saying that damn christy want never change..
Well, Pauline your right I want. She is one hundered percent right.
God I love her and miss her more now than ever. I got married back in December 2002. Just a little over a year after she passed on. It was a day that I always told her she would live to see. But God had other plans for her. They where good plans though she never has to suffer anymore nor does she have to live in this hell of a world we live in. Not that this world is all bad but just that there is more bad than good. You all will agree.
Well, Pauline Nelson Langham you will always be in the heart of many as the woman who made the best carmel cakes this side of the border. For all of you that know me really well, will know that she was the love of my life for many years.. Now that she is gone she will be remember and I will still love her til the day I die. I have found a great man that is here to fill the space that she left opened. He isn't going to fill the whole space but just the part I need him too. There isn't anyone that can ever fill a space of someone that has gone on to be with the lord. No matter how hard you try there isn't a time nor a person that is going to take up that space.
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