Life is just a dream..
We live this thing they call Life.. Why is it called life? I believe its because we are breathing humans that age every year. NO one ever said life was easy. They didn't say that Life was gonna be great and grand. They didn't say that it was going to be the way we want it. My life isn't the way that I had dreamed it to be when i was a kid. We all said when we was a kid we wanted to be something. Well, I can tell you my life is far from what I dreamed of as a kid. I would be as unhealthy as I am. I would be over weight, have authuritis. I always wanted to join the army like my dad and go fight for our freedom. I didn't do that. Then, when i got out of highschool i was going to nursing. But when I got there. I changed my mind. I decided on computer related field. Look at me now. I'm working at retail store in the photo department. Making far less than I would of been if my life long dream would of came true. Since my childhood days. I have came along with other dreams for this life i'm living. I will tell you all of them on my top ten things to do but not number one. If i told you that I would have to kill you. 10. Go see the Braves play at turner field. (already done this one). 9. Go watch every baseball team play at there home field. 8. See Eli in person. 7. See Eli playing at Giants Stadium. 6. Visit every state in the united states. (already been to 8 of 50.) 5. Visit Austrila 4. Go to atleast 2 forigen countries (not including austrila can't spell). 3. Meet the President of the United States in person.. 2. Visit the Vietnam Wall with my father. 1. can't tell you. Looks like my life is going to be very busy. When 2 -9 are done i will tell you what number one is. Well, I don't know what your thinking by reading this. But, I don't want anything from anyone reading this unless they want to help me do some of these. Now, Don't think i'm looking for pity from anyone. Because I'm not. Just writing some thoughts down on paper. Is that a bad thing. I would hope not. I think that is what bloggin is for. Well, good bye all.
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