Well, where do I begin. As you all know I started the biggest losers challenge at work. This past Monday on Jan. 19, 2008 was our first weigh in. We are weighing in every 2 weeks. The first time I weighted a the start of the contest was unbelievable. I kind of had an Idea how much I weighted but didn't really know for a fact. I'm very ashamed of the fact but, to get over it I will tell you what it was. I weighted 320 on Jan. 5, 2008. On Jan. 19, 2008 I weighted 308 that is a loss of 12lbs. I feel great with those 12lbs gone. I'm very proud of myself I actually set my mind to something and I’m going to do it come hell or high water. I'm sticking to this. I told Missy and Corey both that at the beginning of the year I was going to try to lose some of this weight. Maybe it will make Arthur feel better. Maybe I will be able to work more than a mile and not have to stop every few mins to catch my breath. Maybe then I will be able to wear smaller clothes. My ideal weight is 176. If I get down that low then I will be a skinny minney. But hey im taking one goal at a time. It will be to lose 8lbs now then, I will work on maybe 260 or so. Then I will just keep going. The challenge ends in May. I will need the money you win from this to buy me a new wardrobe. Well, thanks for all the people that have been behind me supporting me. I'm a type of person that needs that little bit of encouragement. Well, enough about that.
Other things that I want to start doing in 2009 that I might not of done in 2008. I'm out with the old and in with the new. Its a new year and I’m going to be a new me. I would like to dedicate my life to the lord. I have been walking down the wrong path this past year. I feel like the world end is coming soon. I want to be part of the group that goes marching in first. I don’t' want to be here on this dead earth when all my family and friends have gone. I want to do a lot more camping and fishing this year. I want to be outdoors more. I want to be out there where I feel free and it makes me happy. I Love the outdoors. Its very peaceful. Well, sometimes I wish I could quit my job and start bass fishing for a living. I have asked Corey to be on the look out for me a boat that I could take to the lake when he is at work or I just need to get out on the water. I can’t unload and load the big boat. I need one that Christy can handle. Next I’m going to try to be a better friend to everyone that I have been friends with. I’m not going to go out of my way to get someone to talk to me. If you want to talk to me then you know my number or know how to get a hold of me. I’ve been trying to be a person that shows everyone that I’m here if they need me but when I need them I can’t find them. That isn’t what friends or for I don’t think. I just need to take care of Christy and not worry about everyone else. Let them figure it all out on there own. No missy I’m not talking about you. I will be receiving a text message or call as soon as you read this to want to know who I’m talking about. I would like to get out of the house and do things that I haven’t done in a long time. Like go to a bar and have a drink with some friends or just by myself. With out anyone trying to tell me how bad it is and how much they wish I didn’t do it. I’m not going out every freaking night. I just want to do it every once in a while. I’m sorry that drinking doesn’t interest you but you have got to understand that sometime I just need something to take my mind off things that has happened in my day or life.
Also, I would like to try to call my mother and family more. I know they know I love them but, I don’t talk to my mom as much as I should. Nor do I talk to my father who lives less than a mile or so from me. Its been I couldn’t tell you how long since we talked. But that is part of life. I guess.
I’m going to also, not buy things thru out the year so when Christmas time comes around there isn’t anything under the tree for Corey and I. We haven’t had anything under the tree in 2yrs cause we manage to buy them thru out the year and don’t even celebrate Christmas. I want to put my tree up this year and try to get back in the spirit a little. But working in retail is the hardest thing to do. Corey and I need to start spending holidays just he and I. Family is nice but for the past 7 yrs of our marriage we haven’t ever spent a Christmas at home, or thanksgiving at home. Christmas is just another day to us. But really it isn’t. I want it to be a time for he and I and our babies. Well, now that I have put all my thoughts out on here the least you could do is comment or at least blog yourself and tell me what your plans for 2009 are. Well, I hope that I didn’t bore you to death, if I did then I guess you aren’t reading this part huh. Cause you probably stopped some where way up yonder. Good night and all…..
I have posted a picture of the old me. I will continue to post pictures from time to time to show you the new me.
Hey.. was just wondering how you work a mine. hmmmm. lol
ReplyDeletelook at me im pickin at you and cant even get it right lol