Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things we take for Granted! REVISED!!!!

Sometimes in life we take the little things for granted in hopes that they will never leave us, not realizing that they could be taken away in matter of minutes. Like people walking by with a smile while looking at you or even speaking to you with a simple hello or hi. I work in retail as you all might know by now, I have several older customers that just walk by to say hi. Its things like that that we sometimes take for granted. I also think that times we take people for granted in hopes they will never break our hearts or move on with life. My best friend in high school and I decided when we where in college that we need to go our seperate ways and try the world out own our own for various reasons. She is now married to my brother and is my sister in law. Life can be trying at time but then God has a way of putting things back together in one way or another. We just have to take one day at a time. Corey and I was fishing one day, saw a little boat just sitting in the middle of a river. I took that little boat and put myself as its brain. Just to see what It would be thinking if it had a brain and was human like. Just when you think that you have something figured out God lets you know really quick like that he can change your mind in a split second. I guess that I feel this way because of the way I was raised. It isn't a bad thing or anything like that just that I didn't have my mother and father together and didn't have a stable home so to speak. I had to live from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes kids take their parents for granted I think. Letting them give them every thing they ever want and never seeing the real meaning behind having a job or fending for theirself. Parents can also take their kids for granted some times too. The expect them to do everything for them. Such as give them money cause they don't want to work or cause they feel like they need the money for various reasons.Life itself can be taken for granted too, like when people get on a motorcycle and try to do stunts in hopes the bike doesn't tilt or fall over. Life isn't something that you should take for granted. Life is a very precious work of art. No one knows the meaning behind God taking someones life away from us. He has his reasons, we just don't know them. Then we really don't understand why God lets certain people's lives be spaired and the person beside them die. Life should never be taken for granted, its a work of art and hand created by our Lord and Savior. As I sit here typing this out I feel like that life has thrown us a curve ball one more time. We have to deal with the world the way it is and the way the economy is. Are we going to have to live life one day at a time to see how things go. I believe the world is coming to an end, for various reasons. THanks for reading!


  1. I didnt see anything wrong with the first one, but again you have done a great job.

  2. Thanks for the support. I have a way of writing out my feelings just have to learn how to word them the correct way.. Thanks.
