Friday, February 24, 2012


Well, you know we are american if we are born in the usa no matter what color or race or background we are all american. Ive seen something the other day about gays shouldn't be able to do this or that. Well, if i don't care what you are your a human and you should have the rights to do what ever every other human can do. So what you gay, so what your bisexual, so what your a lesbian. You still put on your pants one leg at a time, and your shirt goes over you head. If you can do those two things any other way then more power to you. Cause you know some of you would be surprised about the people you work next too, the people you live by... What you gonna move cause a lesbian or gay couple moves in next door? well, good luck finding a house that doesn't include them in everyday life... They aren't contagious, they don't bite, they don't spray like skunks do but you don't kill move cause the skunk was seen in your neighborhood.. get over it people they are people just like you and I. Equality should be shown for every red blooded american in the USA.. I have several friends thats lesbian, gay, bi sexual and you know what. If i told you somethings I did in my past you would probably delete me off your friends list. But you know what I really don't care cause if you believe in christ then you know he forgives us where we failed him.. he will accept us in to heaven if we have asked for forgiveness. He isn't gonna judge us for the number of friends we have on facebook nor is he gonna judge you period. I can tell you many of the people you encounter on a daily basis has at some point in their life thought about having a same sex encounter, its very common for us as humans to think that it would be good to have a 3 some or even a 4 some. I know youve probably thought it and may have never acted on it but you know what i don't care what you are your just like me and i will treat you just like me. my best friend is a black girl. i don't see her as a black girl she just another human that i love dearly and would give my shirt off my back for her and she would do the same thing for me. Facebook isn't the place for racial slurs, gay slurs or anything like that. Facebook was for us to find friends or family that we can't see everyday and keep up with them on a daily life basis. I wish everyone was as open minded as i am but i know your not. but you know it takes a lot to be me. if any of you would like to challenge me to a day in the life of christy them please by all means send me an inbox message. i'm telling you that unless youve been where ive been or done what ive done then you can't judge me. you can't sit there be hind that screen and say i can't believe she did that or has that or done that. i don't judge you. i could care less what youve done, what your doing and where youve been. I do like to see your families grow up, see the things youve done while on vacation, but what you do in your personal time behind closed doors isn't anyone's business but your own.. I dont' care if you like women, men or both. Its not anything to me, i could care less how many men you sleep with daily, how many women youve been with or how many times youve had both. It doesn't interest me. But what does bother me is when you sit there and say that gay guy was sure showing his true colors. ive had this discussion with my husband on many occasions but you know his answer is always the same. I don't have to associate with them. I tell him time and time again the ppl that he works with 65% are probably bi sexual, gay or lesbian.. he doesn't know and he talks to them daily cause he has too. I said you don't have to do what they do but don't treat them like they are some freaking disease cause they ain't.. Gayness doesn't rub off on you, lesbianism doesn't rub off on you. Some is born that way and some comes from something that has happened in there life at an early age that caused them to be that way. Ive been asked several times am i a lesbian because i don't dress girly, i don't like girly things. My answer is no i'm not. But what I am is me. Either you like me for me or you don't like me and you don't have to talk to me or associate with me but don't judge me cause i'm me. I don't judge you cause your you.... Lest not stand in judgement of others. So there for DO NOT say one word about that person that has a mixed child, or that person thats gay, or that person thats mexican. We are all human and we are all USA citizens. So stand up for what you believe in and I will too. I support Equality for all....... I support LGBT groups, I support the Mexicans that are here legally, I support you...If you have something to say feel free to say it cause i'm all ears but don't judge me when i disagree with what you say.. Thanks.

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