Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fatty Liver Disease


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the build up of extra fat in liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. It is normal for the liver to contain some fat. However, if more than 5% - 10% percent of the liver's weight is fat, then it is called a fatty liver (steatosis).


NAFLD tends to develop in people who are overweight or obese or have diabetes, high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Rapid weight loss and poor eating habits also may lead to NAFLD.


A wide range of diseases and conditions can increase your risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, including:

  • Certain medications
  • Gastric bypass surgery
  • High cholesterol
  • High levels of triglycerides in the blood
  • Malnutrition
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Toxins and chemicals, such as pesticides
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Wilson's disease

Treatments and drugs

By Mayo Clinic staff

No standard treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease exists. Instead, doctors typically work to treat the risk factors that contribute to your liver disease. For instance, if you're obese, your doctor can help you to lose weigh through diet, exercise and, in some cases, medications and surgery. If a drug is causing your fatty liver disease, your doctor may try to switch you to a different medication.

This is what I've been told about this disease although mine isn't so serious yet but mine has been brought on by all the intensive drugs I've had to take to put my RA in remission! In the previous blog you saw what my drugs does to my body! So this disease is just another in the long list of things I have wrong with me internally! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis part 2

So you got the version they want you to know about via the Internet! Here's my version! The above photo is what I'm going thru at this moment! No you don't know just how bad it hurts until you live thru it! Second time I've ever felt like my body wasn't reacting to the meds properly! The first time was June 16, 2010 when I walked out of my job that I loved and hated! That day I couldn't get myself dressed, I couldn't take a bath on my own! Corey got me dressed, bathed me and I went to work! Hands where drawled up and I was barely walking! Went to the doctor with Corey pushing me in a wheel chair and my dr looked at me and said we are starting a new drug today one that's only been out for 6 months! So I started that new drug over 3 years ago! Today I feel like its not working anymore! I feel like my body is rejecting it and that my body doesn't like me! All the things I posted in part one I'm going thru slowly but surely! Fatty Liver is the diagnose I got today! I knew that already! But I guess I was hoping it would get better! I'm tired of living out of a medicine bottle and that's all I am anymore! But this illness doesn't define me it doesn't make me a bad person it only makes me a crippled person! But hopefully I'm not gonna be wheelchair bound anytime soon but never can tell! Anyways, that's all for now! Next blog will be fatty liver  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is RA?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that it develops when a person's immune system attacks itself, sending white blood cells to healthy tissues -- particularly, in RA, in the lining of the joints.  This process leads to inflammation.

What it effects: 


What happens: Rheumatoid arthritis often starts in the small joints of the hands and feet but can progress to other parts of the body. Pain is often worse in the morning and is sometimes symmetrical (you have it in both hands, for example). 


What happens: People with RA have twice the risk of having a heart problem as those without it, according to Dr. Matteson. 

The condition creates a chronic, low-grade inflammation that damages blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and heart failure, he says.

RA can also cause the pericardium, the sac-like structure around the heart, to become inflamed. This complication can produce sharp chest pain and fever, and if left untreated, can lead to thickening and scarring of the pericardium. 


What happens: Up to 10% of RA patients develop serious lung problems. The most common conditions are inflammation in the lungs' lining (pleurisy), which causes pain when breathing; scarring of the tissue in the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis); and an increased chance of emphysema, even in nonsmokers. 


What happens: People with chronic diseases, including RA, are more likely to experience depression or other mood disorders—it's a common and understandable occurrence, Dr. Matteson says. 

Chronic inflammation is also associated with abnormalities of neurotransmitters and hormones that can affect how a person feels, he adds.

Blood vessels

What happens: Vasculitis occurs when blood vessels become inflamed, narrowed and blood flow is reduced. Dr. Matteson says this can block blood flow in areas like the arms, legs, and nerves. Vasculitis can sometimes lead to coronary artery disease, he adds. 


What happens: Some RA patients get peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage, that causes a burning and numbness in the feet and hands. Also, when blood vessels become inflamed, the nerves don't have an adequate blood supply, which can result in further nerve damage. 


What happens: Inflammation can also occur in various parts of the eye—a "devastating complication that can cause blindness," Dr. Matteson says. Problems occur in the eye's iris (uveitis), the white of the eye (scleritis), and the membrane covering the white part (episcleritis). Symptoms include blurred vision, pain, redness, and light sensitivity. Inflammation can also increase the risk of glaucoma and cataracts. 


What happens: If there is inflammation in the blood vessels going to the skin, it can create rashes, skin ulcers, and nodules or skin bumps, especially on the hands, feet, and elbows. Matteson says the bumps may come and go, and physicians don't know what causes them. 


What happens: Inflammation in the joints pushes on the nerve that runs from the forearm to the wrist and causes carpal tunnel syndrome. People with carpal tunnel usually feel numbness, tingling, weakness, and eventually sharp pain in the arm. 


What happens: Some people with RA get Felty's syndrome, a condition in which the spleen becomes enlarged and the white blood cell count drops, making them more susceptible to infections. But because RA can be controlled relatively well, Dr. Matteson says this complication is unusual, affecting less than 1% of RA patients. 

Most people with active RA experience a reduction in red blood cells called anemia. Anemia may cause symptoms such as fatigue, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, dizziness, leg cramps, and insomnia. Active inflammation may also lead to high levels of blood platelets, while treatment to suppress the immune system may lead to low levels of blood platelets, a condition called thrombocytopenia.


Renal amyloidosis can occur as a consequence of chronic inflammation.[11] RA may affect the kidney glomerulus directly through a vasculopathy or a mesangial infiltrate but this is less well documented (though this is not surprising, considering immune complex-mediated hypersensitivities are known for pathogenic deposition of immune complexes in organs where blood is filtered at high pressure to form other fluids, such as urine and synovial fluid[12]).

RA affects people differently. Symptoms may wax and wane, but it is a chronic condition.  Most RA patients experience periods of intense disease ("flares") interspersed with periods during which the disease subsides ("remissions").  This combination of flares and remissions is highly variable from person to person: Some people have mild, short flares followed by a long remission; others may have more severe or longer flares that never go away.  Early diagnosis and treatment before destructive joint damage develops  may help put the disease into remission.

Medicine used to treat: 

My meds are as follows:  Actemra 

Tocilizumab[1] (INN, or atlizumab, developed by Hoffmann–La Roche and Chugai and sold under the trade names Actemra andRoActemra) is an immunosuppressive drug, mainly for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a severe form of RA in children. It is a humanized monoclonal antibody against theinterleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R). Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a cytokine that plays an important role in immune response and is implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases, such asautoimmune diseases, multiple myeloma andprostate cancer

Methotrexate (rINN) /mɛθɵˈtrɛkst/, abbreviated MTX and formerly known asamethopterin, is an antimetabolite andantifolate drug. It is used in treatment ofcancer, autoimmune diseases, ectopic pregnancy, and for the induction of medicalabortions.[1] It acts by inhibiting the metabolism of folic acid. Methotrexate began to replace the more toxic antifolateaminopterin starting in the 1950s. 

Folic  acid (also known as folatevitamin M,vitamin B9,[3]vitamin Bc[4] (or folacin),pteroyl-L-glutamic acid, and pteroyl-L-glutamate[5]) are forms of the water-solublevitamin B9. Folate is composed of the aromatic pteridine ring linked to para-aminobenzoic acid and one or more glutamate residues. Folic acid is itself not biologically active, but its biological importance is due to tetrahydrofolate and other derivatives after its conversion todihydrofolic acid in the liver.[6]

Vitamin B9 (folic acid and folate) is essentialfor numerous bodily functions. Humans cannot synthesize folate de novo; therefore, folate has to be supplied through the diet to meet their daily requirements. The human body needs folate to synthesize DNA, repair DNA, and methylate DNA as well as to act as a cofactor in certain biological reactions.[7] It is especially important in aiding rapid cell division and growth, such as in infancy and pregnancy. Children and adults both require folic acid to produce healthy red blood cellsand prevent anemia.[8]

Folate and folic acid derive their names from the Latin word folium (which means "leaf"). Leafy vegetables are principal sources of folic acid, although in Western diets fortified cereals and bread may be a larger dietary source.[citation needed]

A lack of dietary folates leads to folate deficiency, which is uncommon in normal Western diets.[citation needed] A complete lack of dietary folate takes months before deficiency develops as normal individuals have about 500–20,000 µg[9] of folate in body stores.[10] This deficiency can result in many health problems, the most notable one beingneural tube defects in developing embryos. Common symptoms of folate deficiency include diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness (peripheral neuropathy),[11] pregnancy complications, mental confusion, forgetfulness or other cognitive declines, mental depression, sore or swollen tongue, peptic or mouth ulcers, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and behavioral disorders. Low levels of folate can also lead to homocysteine accumulation.[7] DNA synthesis and repair are impaired and this could lead to cancer development. 

Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that is particularly effective as animmunosuppressant drug. It is used to treat certain inflammatory diseases (such as moderate allergic reactions) and (at higher doses) some types of cancer, but has significant adverse effects. Because it suppresses the immune system, it leaves patients more susceptible to infections.

Now all those things are straight from the Internet! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

More random photos

So you think you know?

I'm running down the road with a can of gas and a lit match dare me to light this world on fire! Yea you think you know what it's like living in hell every day of your life! You think you understand what I go thru daily but really your just like the rest you don't know! Living in pain, self medicating, drinking like a fish, having nightmares that wake you up scream! Do you know what I go thru? I've turned to taking pills, drinking daily to ease the pain bet you didn't know that did you! Not you wanna know why you don't know cause I didn't tell and did you ask? Nope you didn't! Living life like this was the way I used to be when I felt like I was spiraling down and the only thing to stop me is the rocky bottom! Yea I seem fine when I'm around you or when you might ask! But down deep inside me I'm fighting, I'm hurting, but I don't say nothing because everyone has their own problems why do I need to add to them! Yea I smile thru the tears that really wanna fall! I laugh when I really wanna cry! Does it matter no not really cause I've been here before! I've walked this road and its been a long one! It's been a road that I've told myself many times to avoid! I did all I could now I'm back here again! Walking, screaming, crying, and telling but no one hears me! No one knows cause on the outside life is grand! But on the inside oh it's a big box of toys and I'm a kid in a candy store! Yea the pills work for a little while then I take another one and before the days up well I've taken about 5 or so then I decide well ill drink one beer, or one cocktail then that turns to 2 beers or 2 cocktails then its a cycle that I finally take one more pill then go to bed in hopes I don't feel a thing for several hours! Yea I'm up and down all night well there I go again pop another pill and sleep a few more hours pop another one well now I'm at the end of my script and damn I still got 10 more days until I can get them again so I decide well Ill just have a beer earlier in the day then it starts damn no more beer no more money to buy more now I'm like an addict I gotta get my next fix so I think well I got these that I used to take ill just take double of them and that's the same thing right, wrong that's not the same thing! Now your screwed now your fucked up for real! So you decide I remember this one time I just slept all the time so maybe ill just sleep! If I'm sleep I don't know I'm withdrawing until oops time to go to bathroom! Yea you see this is the life of an addict! No I'm not there yet but if I don't get help soon ill be there! Yea, your thinking right now shit I let her slip and didn't try to help her! Naw really you didn't let me do anything you did what you thought was right cause I played you like I've played everyone! Yea no one knows but Corey what's really going on and only reason he knows is cause he loves here and he sees it! Yea you think oh well I thought she was my friend we tell each other everything well your right partly but something's I don't tell anyone cause ya know this is what I gotta deal with! I've walked this road before remember last time I hit the bottom so hard that I tried to take my life! Did I tell anyone nope why because only the weak tell people only the ones that's really not wanting to do it tell people the ones that's gonna do just do it! Well your thinking oh she will tell me I know naw your wrong the last time Corey found me unresponsive in the bed! So when I get to that point no one will know! But right now we are in the safe zone! 
Now you see that what's on the outside isn't sometimes the true picture! 
So you wonder where I have the money for this or that well you know Corey works hard! Yea we have lots of bills but he's always set aside "play" money! He's done that for as long as I've known him! He makes sure there's food in house, gas in vehicles, and bills paid! The play money isn't always there but it's there when he's ready for it! So you say oh you told me you was broke ya I am! I got .76 in bank! So when I'm broke I'm broke! But what gets me is that you say your broke too but seems you have money to do what you want! Yea I've heard that line a few times just the other day matter of fact! But I don't ask no questions cause I know it's not my place to ask questions! But don't post it on Facebook your so broke your robbing Peter to pay Paul but your at sonic eating supper! Anyways, just got lots on my mind! Yea some don't need to be aired but I feel like if your reading this and something stands out to you well ask me or tell me! I mean don't be like oh I see she's talking about me when hell it might not be about you! Could be about one of my 1000 friends or ppl I know! Hell I could be talking about my own damn momma but if the shoe fits then please wear it! 

This is my blog, my way of venting without judgement and my way of getting feelings out that I might not be able to other wise speak! If you don't like something you see please don't read anymore! Thank you! 


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Intrigued to write

Depression, PTSD, Rhumotoid Athruritis are just the things I suffer! No they don't define who I am they don't run my life well maybe they do run my life! So many people live with these things daily cause they one are afraid to seek help and two can't afford it! Well written in a blog of my friend that said the cost of care is more than the cost of living! Why should that be, why should you have to pay 135 dollars for a doc visit, 165 for your blood they draw out of your body, and you wonder why so many self Medicare with drugs and over the counter things! My monthly infusion cost 8,842 a month! Now who in the hell has that kind of money! I sure don't but if I wanna live half way normal I get them! Normal to me is waking up pain free, and able to walk! Oh you say I don't look sick! I might now look sick, do you have X-ray vision? Do you see within someone's body before you judge? Do you think for one minute before you say that, there might be something really wrong with her internally! Maybe your feeling something isn't right and you know that you don't have the money or you don't think your insurance will pay for it, you scared of what they will say! But you break down and go! The doctor said well, you sound like your suffering depression we are gonna start you on meds and if they don't seem to help with your symptoms then come back we will change then until we find the right one! So you get script, you pay your co pay or bill, and you get to pharmacy to find that your insurance doesn't pay for that medicine! So now your stuck with the decision do I pay $256 for meds or do I just suck it up and just deal with the feelings or do I go back pay the doctor one more time and tell them that the meds are too much! So you choose to pay the $256 and try to see if they work maybe next time my insurance will pay! So the meds work, great your thinking wow I feel so much better, I feel like a new person! Then wham, end of the script do I call in a refill or do I try to just deal with it with out the meds! The feeling is great and you think the meds are working! Hmm you break down call in the refill and get to pharmacy to pick it up and wow this month it's 15.00 and you think I can deal with that! So you read up about depression, mood swings, feeling blue, feeling like your wanting to kill yourself! Wow, you think omg that is me that is so the feelings I've had omg the doctor is right I'm depressed! Wow, I guess that ill deal with it taking the meds! Then comes the time that the meds quit working, causing you to want to kill yourself, feeling like your gonna snap someone's head off! So you make the painful decision to go to behavioral health! You walk in and your a nervous damn wreck, you look scared, you go from crying to laughing in a few mins! They make you wait that makes it even worse! Finally, you get called back to do the free evaluation! They ask you several questions some generic but some very personal! Have you thought about killing yourself? Yes, when, all the time! Have you ever tried yes, two times when, a couple of years ago, and when I was younger! Are you feeling sucidual now? Yes I am! Did you bring your Cpap machine and clothes! By this time your crying so bad that your hysterical! Your husband tells the woman I think if you keep her she will do what ever to kill herself! The woman says if I allow her to leave then you need to make sure that she's doesn't do anything to kill herself! So you have an appt with doc so and so tomorrow at 2 pm! Ok so you arrive tomorrow at 1:45 like your told you fill out more papers and talk to a nurse and she writes down everything that's been going on in your life since childhood! Now she takes you to the docs little office! You walk in and he tells you to sit on couch! He's looking at computer he turns around ask you several questions, personal questions! He comes to the conclusion that your severe depression, PTSD, and anxiety! Hmm not really what I wanted to hear! But you accept the division and he writes you scripts for 2 different types of same meds! So great you've been told all that and you head to the pharmacy and you get the dreaded words that your insurance pays for it but the copay is $45 dollars a piece hmm that's $90 a month! Omg I don't know if I can afford it but the meds make me feel great! So now you search the Internet for the meds! First thing you see is that do not stop these meds with out help! Hmm I wonder why, well that makes me feel great not! So you dig deeper, says if you stop this meds to taper yourself off! Great hmm now I'm on this type of drug that can cause you more harm than you can do yourself! But anyway you try your best to not quit these meds! But comes the time you don't have the money to get the meds! Whew now for the first time in your life your going thru drug withdrawals! Wow never in my life have I done this!! Can't handle this feeling, gotta get help! So you find the money! So you get meds and things are back to normal! But things aren't normal why because your still depressed, still suffer the night mares and other things that's been tramaic to you! Life is crazy! But now you know how I feel! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Restless heart and gypsies soul

Heart grows cold when there isn't anything to keep it warm! Reading a blog by a friend today made me think for a minute and also made me mad in turn! No I don't think the blog was talking about me but it didn't hit home a little! The blog was talking about before an illness there was always abundance of people around or that called or showed up or texted or what have you but once becoming ill that slowly these people slowly became to busy or just quit coming around or calling or texting! What made me think was that that's so true! When my illness caused me to walk away from a job a loved to hate I slowly saw the so called friends that was once said I'm always here for slowly disappeared! It's amazing how when your sick and need the friendship and companionship of others they suddenly become too busy or what have you! What made me mad was the person that wrote this blog said that some people used to come by but now has stopped! Well this very person has come to tupelo many times but never comes by to see me! Yes I've quit going to see this person but not because this person is ill but because I feel that it's a two way street! Why am I always going to your house but you can never find the time to come to my house! When I first got sick with this illness I have I struggled daily to get myself dressed, to get out of bed and yes there's two people that I can say stood by me, helped me and even encouraged me! One is my husband who at times doesn't show me the compassion I think I deserve or show me the love I long for sometimes but he many days got off at 6:30 am having worked all night, come home got me up got me in shower bathed me and dressed me! And then did the same before he went to work! And the other person was Missy she lived with me thru my early stages and I have to say with out her help there was days I would of never gotten up to try and with out her and Corey both encouraging me I would of given up! So yes the street runs both ways! No I don't come to this persons town as often as this person comes to mine! But you know I feel like if you want others to show you they care how about you start by calling them, texting them, or inviting them for coffee or lunch or what have you! Then you might see that they return the favor again! The end of that! 

Tonight I had a deep conversation with my first woman love and I still love her! Christy Lynn was the first woman that I fell deeply in love with and still love deeply today! Tonight we was talking about her boyfriend who she believes is gay and I believe just by something's she's told me about him! But she said she wished that he would go ahead and come out of the closet cause others know it and have accepted it he needs to accept it! And I replied well he's like me hiding because he's afraid he will hurt someone like his mother and she said why are you hiding its better to be who you are not allow others to stop you from being yourself! I said well I don't want to hurt Corey and his family and she said so your gonna hide and live a lie because your scared I said well for the first time in my life I finally found myself and love myself because if you can't love yourself then you sure the hell can't love anyone else or feel that they love you! I've accepted that I might not ever allow my inner beings to come out but I've accepted that its ok not to be afraid! Living a lie hurts but living a dream isn't good either! Dreams are just that dreams! I've dreamed many times that I should of never married but at the time I think I did it cause that's the way I was taught that it wasn't right to long for a woman when I was a woman and that it was right to marry a man! So I did! Do I regret it? No I don't have I ever regretted it? Yes I have! I don't regret it now cause I've come to terms with loving myself! I love myself and I love Corey! Regretting marring him at such an early time in my life yes I regret not living out my dreams or fantasies first but I don't regret doing what I thought was right! And you know I take great pride in when some one praises me for being right! Marty finally realized that I was right she didn't need someone on the side! She just needed to realize that the man she loves and lives with is who she's meant to be with! Every man or woman knows how to talk there way into your life and they will tell you what you want to hear but might not hear it in your current relationship! But little do you know that the game they are playing just is that a game! Once they have you away from the one that you've been with they will show you who they really are and it's too late then! You've burned the only bridge that was leading to the right one! Luckily I didn't burn that bridge and she didn't either! Good night blog

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Livin' on the edge!

The edge is right under my feet but I shall never step over! 

Having been thru the pain that I've lived with the last couple of days makes you wish that you could just crawl in a hole and never come out! But I've always been a fighter and this obstacle won't hold me down! I've rose up from the darkest deepest hole I've ever been in before and I ill do it again! There's never a day that doesn't pass that doesn't make you long for something! You might just not think about it but there's something out there that's within your reach but you can't get it! Just hold on you will make it to that point one day!