Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis part 2

So you got the version they want you to know about via the Internet! Here's my version! The above photo is what I'm going thru at this moment! No you don't know just how bad it hurts until you live thru it! Second time I've ever felt like my body wasn't reacting to the meds properly! The first time was June 16, 2010 when I walked out of my job that I loved and hated! That day I couldn't get myself dressed, I couldn't take a bath on my own! Corey got me dressed, bathed me and I went to work! Hands where drawled up and I was barely walking! Went to the doctor with Corey pushing me in a wheel chair and my dr looked at me and said we are starting a new drug today one that's only been out for 6 months! So I started that new drug over 3 years ago! Today I feel like its not working anymore! I feel like my body is rejecting it and that my body doesn't like me! All the things I posted in part one I'm going thru slowly but surely! Fatty Liver is the diagnose I got today! I knew that already! But I guess I was hoping it would get better! I'm tired of living out of a medicine bottle and that's all I am anymore! But this illness doesn't define me it doesn't make me a bad person it only makes me a crippled person! But hopefully I'm not gonna be wheelchair bound anytime soon but never can tell! Anyways, that's all for now! Next blog will be fatty liver  


  1. Hey Christy, I prayed to god for you tonight. I asked him t help you with your pain and what you are going threw. I wish I could make you feel better.
