Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Time to say fuck it

I'm pissed but really shouldn't be! I shouldn't be mad but it really pisses me off how someone uses others to get what they want! I just don't understand why someone feels that they need to try to use someone that I'm close too to try to get this person away from me! I have deep feelings for this person but there's someone that can't stand the fact that I do have deep feelings! And this person try's to get the one that I have deep feelings away from me! It hurts my feelings that the one I have deep feelings for would even entertain the fact! I mean Im about tempted to tell them both that they are made for each other!! Maybe they can be happy with each other! Anyways, I'm so much better than this! 
I've been talking to a woman that I really have a lot in common with! So much in common with that it's almost scary! She's so easy to talk to, easy to get along with!! Tomorrow since I'm not going to see another friend because she's sick them I'm going to meet my new friend!! I'm actually kind of excited to meet her! I think we will be lasting friends for a long time! Good thing is that she's also married, and it's truly just a friendship! Nothing more! And as far as the rest go it'll all come out one day!! Just gotta let it run it's course! Anyways blog just needed to vent! 

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