Saturday, November 21, 2015


Long time ago I blogged just about daily, then I just quit blogging then I started back! Tonight's post is longing? What are you longing for? What has you wanting more? What could make your day better? Is it a hug from someone special? Is it a phone call from the one you love, a text? Longing means wanting, hoping, wishing! So if you say I'm longing for the day I'm alone with that person that's captured my heart! I'm longing for the day that I'm alone with you! Alone with your body, mind and spirit! I'm longing for the little moments, the little things that mean nothing to no one but me! The way you smile, the way you laugh! It's all those little moments! One day when I least expected it you walked into my life and now I long for you! I wish to be with you, I hope to make you smile! I'm wanting you more and more! The little messages make my heart beat fast, the little phone calls make my heart beat fast! It's something that I had lost for a while! Like my life has gotten stagnant! I was just living, I wasn't smiling, I wasn't laughing I was just here! Since that day it's been all up hill except I miss those moments we had! But then moments like today while shopping a remark was made that made me think back as to why my life was stagnant! The remark brought back the reasons why I'm not happy at times and the reason why I stay depressed at times! But I thought of you and all the pissed offness went away! I looked back at some photos that made me smile even when I was ready to cry! I'm learning to live again! Learning to be happy again! And it makes others not trust me! It makes others accuse me of things! But the thing is that trust was broken and it's never been regained when it should of been! As I got home and sat down I looked at more photos and thought more about you and smiled so big! I watched our favorite football team whip the hell out of LSWho! It made my night that much more sweeter! Seeing you today briefly made me smile too! I was floating on cloud 10 because cloud 9 was taken! I jumped from cloud to cloud until I got knocked off briefly! When I hug you it's like a Fourth of July fireworks show going off! When we kiss it's like my world gets turned upside down! I get weak in the knees, my heart races, my mind wonders, my body longs for more! I'm falling deeply in love with you! It doesn't scare me that I am it excites me! I long for you! I ache for you, I want you, I love you! I love every inch of you, from the finest hair on your head to the bottom of your beautiful feet! The more I want you the more I hope that you want me the same! At times I think what if? What if I wasn't married would you be mine for ever? What if I wasn't disabled and can't do much would you be mine for ever? What if? It's a big statement and a bold statement! Longing for! What are you longing for? What are your hoping for? What are you wanting? What are you wishing for? You might never answer those questions, I can only hope, wish, want and long for you too! Hope to see you soon! Kiss you, hold you, hug you and be with you! 

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