Monday, December 28, 2009

Reflections of 2009

As the year is about to come to a close a new year is about to open! I call it a new chapter in my book of life! Where do I begin, jan09 it was pretty uneventful month because I don't remember much about it! Feb09 was a hard month for me, I lost someone dear and true to my heart may you rest in peace memaw! Memaw accepted me in her family as her on, she didn't know me from adam but took me in as one of her very own grandkids and loved me unconditionally. Thanks for the memories. March09 must of been uneventful too because i don't remember much that went on that month either! One thing i remember doing in march was going to sardis lake and my mom having to have gallbladder surgery. Apr09 started my vacation season! May09 took a vacation and went no where lol! June09 I had a time where I decided it was time to cut my hair so I got it cut! July09 another uneventful month I guess! Aug09 where my life got a little rocky, I did begin to plan a vacation to gulf shores! Sept09 oh the glory days, I took last trip with my best friend ever! Got back home and lost her to lies that pushed me away! Lost a piece of my heart! Slowly picking up the pieces day by day. Its a matter of time before the heart is whole again. It might take years but, it will be whole one more time. I almost met a very good friend of mine this month. We are still great friends just have our ups and downs a friends too. where we spend a lot of time apart hardly even talking but that only makes us stronger. Oct09 when I lost someone else that's true and dear to my heart may you rest in peace aunt jeanette! Also, went to chicago for the first time in my life! Nov09 it started out ok but then slowly went down hill getting prepared for another loss! Dec09 on the 6th day I lost another person true and dear to me may u rest in peace papaw, he who also accepted me in to his family as his step granddaughter with out even saying one word. The only closest thing to a grandfather i ever knew because mine died before i was even thought of! Someone forgot we was married on that very day, someone forgot my birthday, someone didn't tell me he had me a christmas present! So I thought he forgot again! I also just about lost my new best friend to stupid shit! Its been one hell of a year! So as I reflected its time for a new year, a new me and a bright future! I can't wait! I'm ready are u? Its that time we start thinking about where we are gonna be and what we are gonna do. So im going to take this time to make this journey into the new year a bold one. Im going to put everything from years past in the past and leave them there. Thanks to everyone that has put a memorie in my mind you are now a piece of my history. If i begin today to write a book of my life so far you would be amazed at the life i started out as and the life I have at this very moment. Ive come a long ways and made it thru this life the hard way, no one knows my life unless i told you and i don't tell parts of my life to very many people. So as this year closes thanks to all my friends that stood by me and pushed me along. Heres to a new christy and a new year. If your up for the challenge in which my life holds all the time then come on and join me for the long hard ride that im about to take. Its a fast moving world out there and im ready to face it head on and not look back. thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this.. If you dont' like what i have to say then you know what i say about that. get the hell off my page and never come back. thank you.

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