Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time for change!

Haven't blogged since I lost my son I felt it was time! I've been reading a blog about a woman who at the age of 35 admited to herself and others she was a lesbian! I'm not saying that I'm bout to divorce my husband because I'm not! I love him dearly with all my heart! What I am saying is that its time for me to make a change in my life and quit hiding behind the trees and face the world as a happy bisexual female! Either you love me for me or u don't! Its up to you! I can't make you nor am I gonna push you! I will not stand around and let someone talk bout gays/lesbians/bis/trans because we are just like you! We put our clothes on just like you, we eat the same food you do, we wear the same clothes you do! What happens in our bedrooms isn't any of your business! Do not ask and you want ever hear! Thank you! Enough about that! The other change I'm gonna make is what my husband and I eat! He has to lose the weight and I can stand to lose a little 2! The hard part is that I'm on predisone which makes me hungry! Little known fact is that weight loss is a lifestyle change! It takes courage and determination! Next, you know its hard losing an animal its like losing an aunt, uncle, mom or dad! But, I know he's better off! Next, I've had a really hard time fighting back emotions for a person but its getting easier because I know she's happy! She's in love and that makes it a little easier! Once you cross the friendship/sexual line then its really hard to go back! But we both are happy and it makes the transition much easier! I'm not gonna say that I don't love her sexually cause I still have a love for her! No doubt! Just like with your first love you will always have some sort of feelings! Its human nature! Its in our blood! But, the one I'm talking bout is reading this I hope she knows I want nuthing but the best for her and I'd never do a thing to come between her and her gf! I'm not a home wrecker when they are happy! Now I can't say I wouldn't try if they wasn't happy! But, missy girl you'll always hold a key to my heart! You and I shared lots of times just remember your my best friend! I'm here for you and you be there for me! Girl, I love you and hope you and michelle (who) have the best life possible! She makes your face light up and that makes me so happy! Never forget you got a lifelong friend in me! Thanks for everything! Now dry your eyes! You know u gotta read this to me! Hehe! Good nite blogland! Peace!

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