Sunday, August 1, 2010

worth nothing!

These words that fill this space is worth nothing to anyone but me! Its worth lots to me because it gives me the time to clear my head of all the jumbo mumbo that fills the wide open space between my ears! These words are worth nothing but if the right person got a hold of my work I might have a book written! Have u ever felt like someone wrote about you! Most bloggers think their stuff is worth nuthing just like me! I'm a hopeless, helpless blogger with no ryhm or reason and its chalk full of nothings! Sometimes in like we often feel that life is worth nuthing! It could be because you lost your job, family member or just a friend! It can make u feel worthless! I know trust me, I speak with cofindence and expertise! Life is what you make it, I've tried to make mine as worthling as possible but at times I feel like I'm worth nuthing! Its truly amazes me everytime I reread the things I've written that the things I write are worth nothing! You don't know how a person feels unless you have lived their life! Until then just remember we are worth something! Worth nothing is useless words that cause pain, drama and lives hurt! Well, bloggers that's all of my worth nuthing words that I have to say to fill this page! Just like my head the space is now worth nuthing!

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