Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pep talks

Many times I feel compelled to give people a little pep talk to help them see what's going on or just to tell them its gonna be OK! Sometimes I feel like people come to me for advice on certain things and most of the time I give them the advice they need! Today a friend called me and said she was hurt by something her mom said and I just told her like I've told my husband several times before the ones that sit in judgment of others are going to the place they say I'm going for being something or doing something! Then later tonight I got a text from another friend that she was single and I just told her that it takes many broken roads to lead you to the right road! When love is found you'll know it! It'll slap you so hard that you'll feel it every time you turn around! Its the truth I'm living proof that it takes broken roads to realize that true love was right in front of me! Little did I know that it was staring back at me just waiting for me to live out my little fantasy world I was living in! So I feel like I might be called by God to give advice to people when they need it! It might not be what They wanna hear but I feel its What needs to be said! We don't know our plan he has for us so we just have to wait until the time is right! When he says the time is now is when you know its the right thing to say! So remember before you speak hasty about something or someone! Because you could be just as bad as the one you was just fussing about that hurt you! Never say something that you might need to take back later! Things are said out of anger, fear, hatred, and just because! Remember think before you speak you never know who's listening and watching to see what your doing to hold it against you one day! Remember that! Good Night blog! I'm outta here! Here's a picture of my new nephew he was upset cause they put clothes on him! LOL! He wants to be naked! He's so precious!

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