Thursday, March 21, 2013


My mind has been racing like crazy tonight and one thing that keeps coming across my mind is my grandmother! I know it's getting close to the anniversary of her death! It saddens me to think that she's been gone 12 years! More and more I miss her, when I least expect myself to miss her there she is running thru my mind! Tonight I was just sitting there in my chair in the living room and the smell of Ben gay filling my nose! Now mind you I don't own any Ben gay nor is there any in my house! She would use it when she hurt really bad! I know it had to be her spirit letting me know she was there! But it scared the hell out of me and I asked Corey did he smell it and he was like your just crazy! But I closed my eyes and just allowed my body to relive so many memories of her! I miss that woman!! She was and will always be my best friend! I couldn't ask for a better person to love me and teach me the things I needed to learn! But I know she's having a grand ol' time in heaven and that in itself makes me smile!! 

Today, I went to a little boys birthday party! Debbie's grandson had a birthday yesterday and they had a little get together today! He's a bundle full of all boy! He's so cute ill add a couple of pictures of him and his cake that Dot his mother made! He's such a cute little boy! But he like all other kids remind me why I don't have kids lol! But I don't mind spoiling them and then leaving! Lol! He's a cutie and gonna be a ladies man when he grows up! Today this little girl was there and he was calling her baby, feeding her and even kissed her! He's so stinking cute! But anyways other than that I've had a pretty good week! Couldn't complain nothing major has happened and I'm glad of that! But it looks like in a could of weeks Corey will be off work again this shutting down stuff is causing lots of problems but that's ok cause I've enjoyed having him home! If I can just get him to quit dipping life would be great! That's my only complaint with him at the moment! But life isn't perfect and I know it never will be I mean but it's better! I'm thinking of taking my mom to the beach for the first time in her life in may! Then I'm going to Atlanta for Chipper Jones retirement ceremony I can't wait! Then not sure where Corey and I will go for our big vaca but I'm sure it's not the mountains lol! But anyways I need to get my ass off here and in the bed! I gotta be at my friends house in am at 9! Whew no sleeping in for me! Darn it! Lol! Good night blog! Peace

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