Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No subject!!

Laying here on the couch watching tv and my mind is thinking about all the times I've had to find that diamond in the rough!! It's been a long day for me, not sure why I feel so down last couple of days! Maybe I need to take my meds I haven't been taken it cause I just forget to take them!! I need to get up and get out of my house, I need more friends! Cause I need someone to motivate me to get out and do things!! When you have someone that doesnt care about doing anything but sitting at home watching tv!! I miss one of my friends that we use to have a great time!! Just laughing and eating subway!! She text me on occasion and we talk but haven't seen each other since December!! But you know one day maybe we will see each other again!!! Then the other one that I've been falling in love with has been a little distant lately and she says she's dealing with shit and I understand that! I just got to let go and see where it takes us!! I know she's still in love with her ex and she's having a hard time letting go but I feel she's just hoping for a miracle and the ex will come back to her!! But you know it might happen but then again it might not happen!! I've been pretty caught up in a lot of emotions but I guess one day it'll be in front of my face and I'll be able to see what happiness really is! I miss my grandmother cause she would listen to me and just say its gonna be ok! I miss my friend Margie too she's been so wrapped up with her husband being in a nursing home that we don't get to talk that much!! Then my mom is acting an ass and I just don't have many ppl that I can talk to any more! Can't talk to Corey cause he says that's it's all about the sex! It's not all about sex!! Me and Lisa have seen each other a couple of times and the way she makes me feel like I'm wanted, and she holds me like I want to be held! Well I guess that I just need to move on, and see what my life has in store for me!!!! Peace blog!! Until next time!!!!!

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