Saturday, May 26, 2012

Best friend!

I've been told that I just don't understand and I just don't see you can't help who you fall in love with! Well your wrong cause I understand completely been there a time or two and I've walked that road, listen to me cause I don't want you hurt!! Well the road your walking is the road to complete and udder destruction! He's no more in love with you than I'm in love with dolly pardon, and btw she has some nice boobs I'd like to get my hands on, back to subject sorry got a little lost for a moment! He sees you as the next piece of ass and the next pussy!! He doesn't love you cause if he did then let me tell you this much, he'd invite you around his family, ask you out on a date and want to be seen with you in public! But no he calls you when it's late at night and tells you to come to back door, hmm what the hell is wrong with that picture? There's no motherfucker gonna tell me to come over late at night and come to back door!! He's using you until he finds another piece of pussy then your dropped like a rock and then when that piece gets the picture and leaves him he calls you back and you go running, why because your fucking blinded by the lust and you call it love!! Whoops let me tell you last time I checked love was a four letter word that was used to prove that you want to spend your life with someone!! Yes I know all this from experience but your so wrapped up in the moment or heat of passion that you can't see the bright light that's staring you in the face! I told you before when he hurt you and you didn't listen I just told you again and your not listening! Go ahead leave your so called husband for this player and don't come running to me when I'm right!! Trust me you can take the player out of the game but you'll never take the game out of the player!! Peace

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